Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cress heads

Unfortunately I forgot to take any photos at the last make activity but I am submitting proof that the event actually did take place.

I personally found this project to be one of my favorites for making with a 3 year old. It wasn’t one of those drag-on projects that sound really fun at first but end up becoming a time-consuming mess. All we did was wet a little cotton, sprinkle a little seed, paint a little face and voila—all through! Our seeds began sprouting by day 2 for an almost immediately satisfying result plus we learned a little bit about the science of gardening along the way.

(a photoshoot casuality)
After a few weeks of plant care, we decided to play a little barber shop and enjoy an egg salad sandwich with cress!

1 comment:

  1. Those are really, really cute! I'm said ours died!
