Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fathers Day Gifting: Plaque Painting

Hi makers!

This is an update for the June make which will be hosted by the lovely Kristen Horsely!

We will be making “daddy day” art which your child(ren) will be able to gift to their father on the special day. Each child will be given a pretreated wooden plaque, paint supplies and permission to go paint crazy on a lovely little art piece for good ‘ol pops, grandpops, your child’s favorite uncle…really any special person from the male variety.


Where and When: We will meet in the church courtyard, right next to the Primary room at 10 am on Friday, June 19th (see calendar below).

Moo-la: The fee for this project will be a smokin’ deal of only 2 buck-a-roos per child!

RSVP: On or before Wednesday the 17th of June so Kristen can have all the supplies ready for you. To do that you can leave a comment in this post, or email Natalia (see sidebar).

ALSO: If you think your little one would like to practice their collaging skills you are more than welcome to being collage material to add to the piece. For instance: photos, string, sequence, magazine cutouts, you get the idea. See you there!


  1. Hendrix and I will be there!

  2. Very cool! :) I'm new to the ward. I'm Jodi Brown. My two daughters and I will be there. I'll need 2 plaques. Thanks!


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